Volunteer with RUDEC
Join Our Family Our Communities RUDEC
The work of international volunteers has been fundamental to Rural Development Centre’s (RUDEC’s) success. Previous volunteers have come from Austria, Germany, Gambia, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States and we only hope that the list will continue to grow
Volunteers provide a constant flow of new energy and innovative ideas, and help the organization to move forward and achieve its mission. Volunteers participate in every aspect of RUDEC’s operations, so if there is anything on this website that interests you, be confident that there is a role you could potentially play in RUDEC Cameroon. If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding overseas volunteering experience, please read our sections on Volunteering.

There's Nothing To Loose Much To Gain

Use your skills to assist others in a practical way

Discover a new culture and country

Meet amazing people and develop lasting friendships

Gain practical development experience

Achieve personal growth

Enjoy world-class scenery and beautiful nearby beaches
Opportunities Online On-Site

If you are good at social media work, graphic design, online fundraising, project grant writing, article writing and publishing, please kindly offer a small part of your time for good cause: online volunteering

RUDEC is currently seeking the help of volunteer engineers for more details about this opportunity; please visit water 4 penda mboko We are equally seeking the help of photographers, and so if you are interested photographing for a good cause, please visit photography for a cause

How To Apply
- Cameroon Visa*
- Passport
- Application
- Applicant Fee
- Single Passport Size Photo
- Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination
- Certified Invitation Letter**
**The Certified Invitation Letter is sent to the Volunteer via email upon confirmation between RUDEC and the volunteer of the intended stay. Because of the certification process, this can take a few days, depending on the urgency.
What To Expect
- What types of projects would you like to work on? (Research? Education? Fundraising? Organization? Advocacy?)
- What level of supervision/guidance do you expect?
- How long are you prepared to stay overseas?
- To what extent are you looking to immerse yourself in the culture, for example, to eat local food, and to meet local people? Do you want to spend the majority of your time with other volunteers from abroad?
- What level of commitment are you prepared to give the organization that you are working for?
RUDEC Is A Grassroots NGO
This means that, should you come as a volunteer, you will get a real development experience, but you will also need to be motivated and take initiative if you want to make a difference. It will be your responsibility to find areas where you want to work and get involved to the best of your abilities. RUDEC staff members are there to help you get the information and resources you need to help the organization, but they are not responsible for scheduling your day or telling you what to do.
The length of your stay with RUDEC is up to you.
You should consider staying for a minimum of 1 month because it’s likely that any shorter time will be insufficient, both in terms of your personal experience and the work that you can do. A longer stay provides time for planning out where you can be of the most assistance, fundraising (if necessary), implementing your programs, and, perhaps most importantly, addressing any sustainability issues to make sure that the projects you have worked on can continue after you have left.
For many volunteers, RUDEC strikes the ideal balance between integration into Cameroonian society and camaraderie with other overseas volunteers.
Volunteers at RUDEC live in at Volunteers apartments very close to project site, with meals served at the house of the Project Coordinator,
Mr. Botame Augustine.
Volunteers typically develop friendships with Cameroonians working at the communitiesl, as well as with other people living in and around Kumba. RUDEC’s volunteers tend to treat each other like family, and often go on trips to the rest of Cameroon together. More experienced volunteers act as a great resource/Mentors for new volunteers trying to get their feet in a new culture. In short, you can integrate as much or as little as you feel comfortable, and RUDEC will be there to support you.

Volunteering at RUDEC is not like a regular job
Volunteers travel here because they are highly interested in working with RUDEC towards its goals. There are no fixed working hours for volunteers, nor imposed deadlines (other than those you impose on yourself). Volunteers often take weekends off, and have time for exploring Kumba and the rest of South west , swimming at some of the beautiful nearby beaches, and exploring some of Cameroon’s other Regions.